Pussy: a book report
Pussy a Reclamation by Mama Gena AKA Regena Thomashauer. What a book! Could be classified as cringy, if you're not down with your woman parts. But we are not really talking about her book in this report, instead we are taking a look at the general idea of PUSSY.
Pussy, Vulva, Vagina, Yoni, Pleasure Box, Vag, Baginga, Finest China, Privates, Garden of Eden, Thingy, Muff, Vayjayjay, Twat, Penis Fly-Trap, Box, Cunt, Beaver, Front Bottom, Kitty, Downstairs, Lady Garden, Minnie, Bits, Doh-Dah, Beef Curtains
Ahhhh these are hilarious. So many options for perpetuating confusion for women about their Hoo-Haa
Personally I enjoy using the words Yoni and Vulva, Pussy is juicy when I need a little stroke of genius from my GPS or when I am feeling saucy . GPS is a Reference from Mama Gena´s book, meaning, Oh thou Greatest Pussy in the Sky.
Did I always relate to my pee-hole area with such reverence and inclusion? Hell no!
My dear mother raised us with the word ¨vagina¨, and us(my sister and I) not-hearing properly, decided it must be named ¨fine-china¨. A delicate piece of flatware that is kept on a shelf ne´er to be touched…exception-dinner party. Not the worst word to be raised on I will say. I have heard many stories of women who knew only odd, vague terms such as lady bits or ¨down there¨.
As a culture women have not been properly raised for interaction with PUSSY. We have been misled to believe such things as:
my pussy is dirty, especially with that mass of pubic hair, oh and you wont find a sexual partner unless you shave that shit off
here is how a man´s penis works, what it functions for, and why it does the things it does.. but I cant tell you anything about your ¨parts¨ because WE the Patriarchy have never taken the time to research that
you can go fuck yourself,( but that is inappropriate for a lady to do), and if you happen to do that icky thing don’t you dare speak about it or you will be deemed SLUT
you are lesser because you bleed out every month and its pretty gross too
it is wrong to call your body part what it is, it is wayyyyy better to give it a silly nickname like ¨minnie¨
As a young child, knowing nothing but our curiosity, we are inclined to explore sexually. and it is completely natural. I was privileged to the degree that early on I knew my sexuality was important. That my sense of self was connected to my pussy. That through orgasm I could achieve divinity.
BUT as our adolescent innocence is crushed by growing awareness and the structures of society, so too were my own discoveries crushed when I was found experimenting with another young friend.
I was deemed bad and wrong and dirty. My friend was put into counseling and we were not allowed to hang out for a long time. I carried those moments with me into my adult relationships. The dirtiness, the wrongness, and the shame.
Years later, I am happy to say, I am reunited with my PUSSY.
So whats the take-away from all this rambling? Well a couple options
-Read Mama Gena´s book if you are still referring to your pussy as ¨down there¨
-take a mirror and find your clit, then, tell your partner how to find your clit. FIND THE CLIT!!
-start playing with yourself, especially if your sex life is lacking, because you are the only person who can tell your partner what you like
-ask yourself this question- Do I shave my pussy for my own pleasure?
-KNOW that your PUSSY is fantastic and perfect.. another great read for anybody dissociated from/disappointed in/in hatred of PUSSY should look up Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski
If you are in need of some extra assistance aligning with your pussy power, lets chat! Book a FREE 30 min call HERE . Or check out all my offerings HERE