Your Role in Patriarchy

Patriarchy is a huge system of oppression. Although these days it seems like women(anybody who identifies as***) are working their way up to the same level as men, it is still prevalent. There are many little pieces that remind us we are less than and WE as women continue to play into this system.


Here are some examples from my own life

  • having an underlying belief that raising my kids, keeping house, and having a side job was somehow ¨lesser¨ than my partners ¨work¨ because I was not raking the dough in

  • deciding not to get married but allowing my kids to only take their fathers last name

  • distrusting other females in a competitive way instead of connecting with them as fellow sisters

  • believing that my sexual partner always cums and that is what matters..whether I get there or not is not very important

  • hating my menstruation and seeing it as a weakness and hindrance

  • feeling like a failure when I saw my partner ogling another female because it must mean I’m not trying hard enough, dressing hot enough, doing enough to keep his attention

  • constantly over exerting my self in pursuit of others happiness (my kids, partners, friends,etc.)

Its these little bits and pieces that keeps US, women, small and inferior.

But we have a choice in this matter.

We can choose to slow down, tune in to what our body is asking for, connect back to our feminine essence, cync with our cycles, fill our own cups before everyone else’s, stand up for our desires, know our worth, take up space, be unafraid of others opinions.

YOU as a Sovereign Empowered Embodied Women can make the changes that matter

Need a Loving Guide, who will help you get back in touch with HER? Grab a one-off embodiment coaching session HERE or If you are ready for BIG change, Lets chat about a 3 month Immersion HERE

What is a Feminine Embodiment Coach? Check out THIS blog


The Embodied Traveler


Redefining Pleasure