The Women’s Journey to Embodied Pleasure
I wanted to dive a lil deeper into my three month coaching container, what it looks like, and what you might expect. So lets start at the beginning, the name.
A Women’s- any human who identifies as a woman. I am a self identified woman and that is who I know best. Eventually I would love to further my work into coaching every body as well. But for now.. As women WE have a collective story. The story of degradation, sexism, the crushing weight of the patriarchy. WE as women have been through some shit, and while I cant speak for all as a lump sum, I am going to say a large part of us have to some degree suffered injustice as a WOMeN. So purely from the lived experience of my own story of numbness, dis-ease, self-loathing, co-dependence and over arching dis-embodiment TO embodying and radiating vitality, pleasure, connection, self-love, acceptance, sovereignty and deep deep feeling COMES my greatest desire to help other women navigate through the same extraordinary ¨coming back to life¨.
Journey- depth filled excavation of YOU having a human experience. Yes we do go deep and it does take time. For me, this journey is never-ending. I am always on a path of becoming more of my truest nature. I would love to offer you the idea that living life has its ups and downs, twists and turns, and so, THIS journey of becoming more of YOU could be just as turbulent.
Into- you could say ¨back into¨ because your pleasure is innate, you were born with it, it's always been yours baby!
Embodied- as women we learn so early that our body is not safe, not clean, not to be trusted, and anything but perfect. I help guide you back into the safety that is your own abode. To be completely and utterly in your body and know the deep truths that are kept there.
Pleasure- an all encompassing sense of aliveness, vitality, and flow. By the end of our time together your access to pleasure will only be a felt sense away. Instead of looking outside of yourself for all the things you will know that everything you need is within.
Through OUR journey together-because I will be right by you the whole time leading you ever deeper, we will pass through/between/beyond the 4 P´s
Presence: Where you gain Access to this moment, and this one, and the next. A new connection and dedication to your Felt Senses, to your sensorium. Where you come home to your body and feel the safety within.
Pleasure: Where you redefine what pleasure is to you. You choose self love. You begin again to live as a cyclical being. You start making the choices that your body whispers YES to. You let go of everybody elseś ideas of happiness and you begin to create your own.
Passion: Where you get vulnerable and tender and soften into knowing everything is exactly as it should be. We uncover the frozen tension that is blocking your flow. You experience both sides of your spectrum, the ¨good¨ and the ¨bad¨ and you realize it is all sensation and it is all welcome.
Principle: Your soul´s truth is uncovered, and from here your ESSENCE is set free. Free to call in your deepest most aligned desires.
My expectations for you:
You need to crave something more. You know shits twisted and you ache and salivate for deep TRANSFORMATION
You soften into my caring, loving, listening, and inquiring. You allow me to partner with you
You show up to sessions prepared. The dog is put away, your phone is off, kids are taken care of. In short, you respect our time. You respect your own desire for choosing ¨something different¨ than the way it is.
You participate and make the attempt
In the end, I want the best for you. I crave it. My deepest hope is that you find that place within you that makes you tick, and you live from that center. You live from your highest calling, your strongest yes, and your truest no.
because women who live from that place create space and opportunity, they change the world with their dreams, they gather sisters together in union and not competition, they laugh and cry and feel more, they have unending compassion, they are role models and teachers, they are connected to this earth and beyond, they make decision rooted in their sovereignty. They are complete in exactly who they are.
If you are ready to step in this partnership with me ~ Lets Chat